Ashutosh Sharma
Tecnológico de Monterrey, México.
Ashutosh Sharma has completed his PhD from State University of Morelos, Mexico and Post-doctoral studies from National Autonomus University of Mexico (UNAM). Currently, he is the Biotechnology Program Director and Full Time Research Professor at Instituto Tecnológico y de Estudios Superiores de Monterrey, Queretaro, Mexico, a world class university. He has published more than 16 papers in international reputed journals and is reviewer of several international journals as well. He is inventor of 1 patent, co-author of 1 book and co-author of 2 book chapter. He is the youngest high level Professor of the university. He has presented more than 30 scientific work in various countries like USA, Holland, Chile, Brazil, India, Canada, China and Mexico. He is member of various scientific organizations and comitees. He has recieved various awards, national and international scholarships during his career. He has fellowship of the prestigious national research system of Mexico, where he also serve as acredited evaluator for revising scientific project funded by National science and technology foundation of Mexico. Currently he directs thesis for 2 Master students and 1 PhD student.
Abstract : Metabolic profiling and DNA barcoding of the Mexican anxiolytic and sedative plant Galphimia glauca